Stakeholder Input
Parents of children with disabilities are the ultimate stakeholders of our education system. Federal law recognizes the importance of the people most impacted by education policies by requiring the State maintain the Special Education Advisory Panel with a majority of members who are individuals with disabilities and parents of students with disabilities. Furthermore, federal law requires stakeholders to be provided opportunities to participate in the planning and operation of each program included in the State annual plan for special education.
(See Stakeholder Input)
Promotion/Diploma Pathways
In 2014 landmark legislation passed the Louisiana Legislature that will provide a pathway to promotion and graduation for certain students wtih disabilities. Act 833 (previously HB 1015), by Representative John Schroder and Senator Dan Claitor, establishes alternative pathways for grade promotion and graduation for students with disabilities who have not passed standardized tests. This shift in policy is a monumental departure from Louisiana being among the states with the most stringent and restrictive policies for grade promotion and graduation to Louisiana joining many states in recognizing the role a student’s Individualized Education Program (IEP) should have in determining student outcomes.
(See Promtion/Diploma Pathways)
Parental Options
Louisiana’s education reform efforts include “Parental Options,” which allow children to attend charter schools, private schools and participate in Course Choice offerings in lieu of public schools. Legal battles over the constitutionality of using state education funding to support private providers will decide the fate of some of these programs (private school scholarships and course choice). Although the stated legislative intent of charter schools is that “the best interests of at-risk pupils shall be the overriding consideration in implementing the provisions of the law” the accountability system for schools works against this intent – in both traditional schools and parental options programs.
Segregated Schools
Unfortunately, Louisiana supports state-operated segregated schools and policy makers support the promotion and/or creation of segregated schools (i.e., those that serve students with specific disabilities exclusively). A report on the Louisiana Special Education Center by the Louisiana Legislative Auditor (April 2012) determined that some of the Center’s activities do not align with the mission of special education and made recommendations for coordination with the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities for transitioning out individuals too old to receive educational services. In 2019 the Louisiana Special Education Center was moved from the Louisiana Department of Education to the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities.
There is much work to be done in educating the public and policy makers regarding the lasting negative impact segregated schools have on society and people with disabilities. The Council advocates for all schools accepting public funds to accept and offer students with disabilities all necessary and appropriate services in inclusive educational settings (i.e., the least restrictive environments).
Discipline and Behavioral Practices
The Council promotes safe and effective practices that ensure students are protected from discipline practices that cause harm and/or violate their rights. Educators are encouraged to use safe and effective practices such as Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports to address behavioral challenges presented by students.
Restraint and Seclusion
In 2011, the Council successfully advocated for the creation of regulations to govern the use of restraints and seclusion in Louisiana schools (Act 328).
Corporal Punishment
Children with disabilities are at a greater risk of receiving corporal punishment than children without disabilities. Unfortunately, corporal punishment is allowed in Louisiana schools by state law and there are no federal laws regulating its use in schools. As a result of Council and LaTEACH advocacy efforts, school systems must report on the use of corporal punishment. The May 2011 Report of Corporal Punishment in Louisiana Public Schools indicates that at least 54 school districts allow corporal punishment and a total of 11,520 instances of corporal punishment were reported during the 2009-2010 school year.
Private Behavior Therapist Permitted in Schools
Act 696 of 2018 requires Louisiana public schools to not prohibit a behavioral health provider from providing behavioral health services to a student at a school during school hours if the student’s parent requests such services from the provider. In response to concerns over some policies setting requirements perceieved to restrict student access to behavioral health services per Act 696, the Council developed a set of Act 696 recommendations for local school boards to consider.