AAHSD – Acadiana Area Human Services District
ACA – Affordable Care Act
ACT – American College Testing
ADA – Americans with Disabilities Act
AIDD – Administration on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
APS – Adult Protective Services
BESE – Board of Elementary and Secondary Education
CAHSD – Capital Area Human Services District
CC – Children’s Choice Waiver
CFS – Community and Family Support
CHIP – Children’s Health Insurance Program
CLHSA – Central Louisiana Humans Services Authority
CMS – Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
COA – Council on Aging
CSHS – Children’s Special Health Services
CSOC – Coordinated System of Care
DCFS – Louisiana Department of Children and Family Services
DD – Developmental Disability/Developmental Delay
DD Act – Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act
DOA – Louisiana Division of Administration
DOE – Louisiana Department of Education
ECE – Early Childhood Education
ED – U.S. Department of Education
EOC – End of Course Test
EPS – Elderly Protective Services
EPSDT – Early and Periodic Screening Diagnostic and Treatment Services
FAPE – Free Appropriate Public Education
FFF – Flexible Family Fund
FHF – Families Helping Families
FOC – Freedom of Choice
FPHSA – Florida Parishes Human Services Authority
FPL – Federal Poverty Level
GACDA – Governor’s Advisory Council on Disability Affairs
GODA – Governor’s Office of Disability Affairs
GOEA – Governor’s Office of Elderly Affairs
HAC – House Appropriations Committee
HB – House Bill
HCBS – Home and Community Based Services
HF – House Floor
HHS – U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
HSD&A – Human Services Districts and Authorities
I/DD – Intellectual and Developmental Disability
ICF/DD – Intermediate Care Facility for People with Developmental Disabilities
IDEA – Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
IEP – Individualized Education Plan
IFS – Individual and Family Support
ImCalHSD – Imperial Calcasieu Human Services Authority
JLCB – Joint Legislative Committee on the Budget
JPHSA – Jefferson Parish Human Services Authority
LAA2 – Louisiana Alternate Assessment 2
LaCAN – Louisiana Citizen’s for Action Now
LaTAN – Louisiana Assistive Technology Access Network
LDH – Louisiana Department of Health
LDE – Louisiana Department of Education
LEA – Local Education Authority
LGE – Local Governing Entity
LRE – Least Restrictive Environment
LRS – Louisiana Rehabilitation Services
LSDVI – Louisiana Schools for the Deaf and Visually Impaired
LSEC – Louisiana Special Education Center
LWC – Louisiana Workforce Commission (formerly Louisiana Department of Labor)
MCLTSS – Managed Care for Long-term Services and Supports
ME – Medicaid Expansion
MFP (Education) – Minimum Foundation Program
MFP (Health) – Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration Grant
MHSD – Metropolitan Human Services District
MI – Mental Illness
NCLB – No Child Left Behind
NDHSA – Northeast Delta Human Services Authority
NF – Nursing Facility
NLHSD – Northwest Louisiana Human Services District
NOW – New Opportunities Waiver
OAAS – Office of Aging and Adult Services
OBH – Office of Behavioral Health
OCDD – Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities
OCR – U.S. Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights
OPH – Office of Public Health
OT – Occupational Therapy/Therapist
P&A – Protection and Advocacy
PCA – Personal Care Attendant
PFL – People First of Louisiana
POC – Plan of Care
PT – Physical Therapy/Therapist
QRS – Quality Rating System
RAC – Regional Advisory Committee
ROW – Residential Options Waiver
RSD – Recovery School District
SAC – State Advisory Committee
SB – Senate Bill
SC – Support Coordinator
SCLHSA – South Central Louisiana Human Services Authority
SEAP – Special Education Advisory Panel
SF – Senate Floor
SFC – Senate Finance Committee
SICC – State Interagency Coordinating Council
SIL – Supported Independent Living
SILC – Statewide Independent Living Council
SIS – Supports Intensity Scale
SPASP – State Personal Assistance Services Program
SPOE – Single Point of Entry
SSD – Special School District
SSDI – Social Security Disability Income
SSI – Social Security Income
UCEDD – University Centers on Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
VR – Vocational Rehabilitation -
Act – A bill that has been finally passed by the House and Senate, enrolled, signed by the legislative presiding officers, signed by the governor (or allowed to become law without his signature), and assigned an Act number by the secretary of state. Joint resolutions (proposed constitutional amendments) are bills and are processed as such, except they are not signed by the governor or subject to the governor’s veto.
Act 378 of 1989 – A law that requires the development of a plan for a system of community and family supports for persons with developmental disabilities and their families and provides for implementation of that plan by the Department of Health and Hospitals.
Action Alert – A message that an organization sends asking people to take action to influence public policy.
Advocacy – Taking action in support or opposition of a cause or issue.
Affordable Care Act (ACA) – Formally known as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. A federal law designed to make health care more affordable and provide health care to uninsured people.
Amendment – The modification of a bill or resolution by adding or deleting language or changing wording.
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) – A federal law established in 1990 that prohibits discrimination and ensures equal opportunity for persons with disabilities in employment, State and local government services, public accommodations, commercial facilities, and transportation.
Appropriation Bill – See General Appropriation Bill.
Assistive Technology – Any device, technology or aid that assists a person with any type of disability to be more independent and able to perform a task.
Bayou Health – The managed care health care system used by Medicaid and Louisiana Children’s Health Insurance Program recipients.
Bill – A legislative instrument proposed by a legislator(s) to change or enact new statutory law or to repeal existing law (act), or to propose changes or additions to the constitution (joint resolutions). Statutory law includes the Louisiana Revised Statutes, various codes, and local or special Acts.
Bill Status – The progression and current stage of a legislative instrument from its introduction to passage.
Board of Elementary and Secondary Education (BESE) – The administrative body for all Louisiana public elementary and secondary schools; it also performs certain administrative functions for the state’s non-public elementary and secondary schools. BESE adopts regulations and enacts policies governing the operations of those schools under its jurisdiction, and exercises budgetary oversight of their educational programs and services.
Bureau of Health Services Financing – Also known as the Medicaid Office. A state agency within the Department of Health and Hospitals that manages the funding for Medicaid benefits.
Capacity Building – The process to increase the skills and resources of individuals, organizations and communities.
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) – The federal agency responsible for the management of Medicare and Medicaid Services.
Children’s Choice Waiver (CC) – A Medicaid waiver that offers supplemental support to children with developmental disabilities through age 18 who currently live at home with their families or with a foster family.
Children’s Special Health Services (CSHS) – Special health care services for children and youth who have or are at increased risk for a chronic physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional condition and who also require health and related services of a type or amount beyond that most children or youth require.
Committee – A group of legislators of one or both houses which considers legislation, conducts studies, and/or makes recommendations to the Senate and/or House.
Committee Amendment – Changes in a bill or resolution recommended to the full house by a majority of the committee to which the bill or resolution was referred. Must be adopted by the full house to become a part of a bill or resolution.
Committee of the Whole – The entire membership of the House, acting in the capacity of committee to consider the general appropriation bill or other matters. A member other than the Speaker serves as the chairman.
Community and Family Support System Plan (CFS) – A plan, authorized by Act 378 of 1989 and administered by the Department of Health and Hospitals, that provides for an array of supports and services that are responsive to the needs of the individual. Services include but are not limited to the Flexible Family Fund (formerly cash subsidy), Individual and Family Support, Families Helping Families Resource Centers, and waiver services.
Competitive Employment – Work in the competitive labor market that is performed on a full-time or part-time basis in an integrated setting and for which the individual is compensated at or above minimum wage, but not less than the customary wage and levels of benefits paid by the employer for the same or similar work performed by individuals without disabilities.
Concur – Action by the house of origin of a legislative instrument to agree to amendments to the instrument adopted by the opposite house.
Concurrent Resolution – Resolution to be considered by both houses that can be used to express legislative intent, authorize certain suits, adopt or change joint rules of the legislature, memorialize Congress, and request or direct a state agency to take a specified action. Can also be used to suspend a law.
Conference Committee – A committee composed of three members from each house, the purpose of which is to propose to the two houses a means to resolve differences in a bill when the house of origin refuses to concur in one or more amendments adopted by the opposite house.
Conference Committee Report – The recommendations of a conference committee to resolve the differences between the two houses when the house of origin does not concur in amendments adopted in the second house. The report must adopt or reject all second house amendments and may include other changes. A digest of a conference committee report must be prepared by the staff before a vote on the report.
Constituent – Any one of the people who live and vote in an area. If you vote and are represented by someone in office you are their constituent.
Constitutional Amendment – See Joint Resolution.
Coordinated System of Care (CSoC) – A coordinated network of services and supports for children and youth in or at risk of out of home placement with significant behavioral health challenges.
Corporal Punishment – Use of physical force as a means of discipline.
Deferred – A legislative instrument scheduled for hearing by a committee may be voluntarily deferred upon the request of the author or member handling the instrument. An instrument voluntarily deferred without objection may be rescheduled for committee hearing. A legislative instrument is involuntarily deferred when so ordered by a vote of a majority of the committee members present and voting, notwithstanding the request of the author or member handling it to report the instrument. An involuntarily deferred instrument may be rescheduled for a committee hearing (after opportunity for hearing all other House instruments requested to be heard) only by the vote of two-thirds of the committee members present and voting. During a session, the indefinite postponement of a bill usually means that the bill is dead for that legislative session.
Developmental Disability (DD) – A severe, chronic disability of an individual that is attributable to a mental or physical impairment or combination of mental and physical impairments; is manifested before the individual attains age 22; is likely to continue indefinitely; results in substantial functional limitations in 3 or more of the following areas of major life activity: self-care, receptive and expressive language, learning, mobility, self-direction, capacity for independent living, and economic self-sufficiency; and reflects the individual’s need for a combination and sequence of special, interdisciplinary, or generic services, individualized supports, or other forms of assistance that are of lifelong or extended duration and are individually planned and coordinated.
Developmental Disabilities Act (DD Act) – Also known as the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act. A federal law created to ensure that people with developmental disabilities and their families have access to community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that promote self-determination, independence, productivity, integration and inclusion.
Developmental Disability Council – Agencies created in Developmental Disabilities Act by the federal government to promote capacity building and systemic change through advocacy activities.
Early Intervention System – See EarlySteps.
Early Periodic Screening Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) – A Medicaid service designed to improve the health of low-income children by providing appropriate and necessary pediatric services.
EarlySteps – Louisiana’s early intervention system which provides services to families with infants and toddlers aged birth to three years who have a medical condition likely to result in a developmental delay, or who have developmental delays.
Employment First – An initiative through the Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (OCDD) where employment will be the primary outcome for all persons receiving OCDD services who are of working age. Employment is characterized by typical jobs with competitive compensation that are fully integrated into the workplace.
End the Wait – Eliminate the waiting list for Medicaid waiver services.
Engrossed Bill – Original bill prepared with amendments adopted upon initial consideration by the house of origin incorporated into its text. Usually, a bill which incorporates all committee amendments to the original bill adopted during the second reading in the originating house. The engrossed bill is ordinarily the version used on the House floor for debate on third reading and final passage.
Enrolled Bill – A bill in its final form, including all amendments adopted in both houses, to be submitted (excluding Joint Resolutions) to the governor for his/her approval or veto.
Extraordinary Session – Also known as Special Session. Such a session is limited to not more than 30 days. There is no restriction on the number of extraordinary sessions that can be held in one year. The governor may call the session; the presiding officers must call an extraordinary session if a majority of each house petition for an extraordinary session. The call defines the subject scope.
Families Helping Families (FHF) – Regional resource centers authorized by Act 378 of 1989 which provide information and referral, education and training, and peer support to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.
Federal Poverty Level (FPL) – Also known as Poverty Guidelines. Simplified poverty thresholds developed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services used to determine financial eligibility for certain federal programs.
Fee for Service – A payment method where providers are paid for each service they provide.
Fiscal Note – An estimate of the fiscal effect of a bill, joint resolution, simple or concurrent resolution which will affect the receipt, expenditure, or allocation of state funds or funds of any political subdivision of the state or that will authorize the issuance of general obligation bonds or other general obligations of the state for capital outlay purposes. Must be attached prior to consideration by a committee of either house unless a committee decides otherwise. Not a part of the law proposed by the measure to which it is attached.
Fiscal Year – The 12 month period for which appropriations, budgets and financial reports are made. The state’s fiscal year commences on July 1 and ends the following June 30.
Flexible Family Fund (FFF) – Formerly known as Cash Subsidy. Monthly stipends to families of eligible children with severe or profound developmental disabilities from birth to age 18 to help their families meet extraordinary costs.
Floor Amendment – Amendments offered by a member of the house having the bill or resolution under consideration, usually offered when a bill is being considered on the floor on third reading and final passage.
Freedom of Choice (FOC) – The philosophy that individuals freely choose to receive services from providers.
General Appropriation Bill – Comprehensive bill to fund the ordinary expenses of the executive branch of state government. Appropriations are itemized to show the public entity to which the appropriation is made and the treasury fund from which it is made. The bill is organized in “schedules” applicable to particular departments and agencies or functions, with “items” within each schedule.
Grassroots – A group of stakeholders and a movement that is natural and spontaneous rather than arranged.
Grassroots Advocacy – The organized advocacy efforts of a group of ordinary people with a shared mission and/or cause.
Health Insurance Exchange – Government-regulated health care plans from which individuals and businesses may purchase health insurance.
Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) – Supports and services provided in an individual’s home located in the community.
Human Services Districts and Authorities (HSD&A) – Also known as Local Governing Entities. Established by state law to direct the operation and management of public, community-based programs and services relative to mental health, developmental disabilities, and addictive disorders.
Inclusion – Including individuals with developmental disabilities without restrictions or limitations.
Individual Advocacy – Taking action in support or opposition of a cause or issue to change the situation of one person.
Individual and Family Support (IFS) – Also known as Family Support. An array of supports and services to provide assistance not available from any other resource that will allow people with developmental disabilities to live in their own homes or with their families in their own community.
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) – A federal law that governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education and related services to children with disabilities.
Individualized Education Plan (IEP) – An individualized plan designed to create an opportunity for teachers, parents, school administrators, related services professional and students to work together to improve educational results for children with disabilities.
Intermediate Care Facility for People with Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DD) – An institution or residential facility that provides health or rehabilitation services to individuals with developmental disabilities receiving care and services under the Medicaid program.
Involuntarily Deferred – See Deferred.
Item Veto – Power exercised by the governor to veto specified items (single appropriations) of an appropriation bill, although signing the remainder of the bill into law.
Joint Resolution – Also known as Constitutional Amendment. A proposal to change (amend) or repeal existing provisions of or to add new provisions to the constitution. It is designated a House or a Senate bill and requires passage by a 2/3 majority of each house to be placed on the election ballot. The favorable vote of a majority of all state electors voting on it is required for it to become effective (and a majority of those voting in the local area if it is local in nature).
Legislative Bureau – A group composed of two members of the Legislature, one selected by each house, and ex officio, the secretary of the Senate, the clerk of the House, and unofficially the executive director of the Legislative Bureau. Bills, joint resolutions, and suspense resolutions are referred to the bureau prior to advancement to third reading in the second house. The bureau makes an advisory report on the construction of the instrument and any duplication and may suggest amendments. The bureau also must examine each instrument upon its engrossment and passage to third reading in the house of origin and make recommendations for floor amendments.
Legislative Visit – A meeting between an elected official and a constituent usually to provide information about the personal impact of public services.
Lobbying – Taking action in support or opposition of specific legislation.
Local Governing Entity (LGE) – See Human Services Districts or Authorities.
Louisiana Alternate Assessment 2 (LAA2) – An education assessment based on the state’s academic standards, but with fewer questions, less reading and writing, different scoring rubrics and a modified format with fewer items on a page with larger print for students with persistent academic difficulties who meet specific participation criteria.8
Louisiana Behavioral Health Partnership – The system of care for Medicaid and non-Medicaid adults and children who require specialized behavioral health services which is managed by Magellan Health Services of Louisiana. The partnership is composed of Magellan, the Office of Behavioral Health, Medicaid, the Office of Juvenile Justice, the Department of Children and Family Services, and the Department of Education.
Louisiana Council’s Advocacy Network (LaCAN) – A statewide grassroots network of individuals, families, advocates, educators, and other professionals who work together to advocate for a policies and service systems that support children and adults with disabilities to live in their own homes and be fully-included and particpating members of their local schools and communities.
Louisiana Department of Health (LDH) – The state department charged with protecting and promoting health and ensuring access to medical, preventative and rehabilitative services for all citizens in the state of Louisiana.
Louisiana Special Education Center (LSEC) – A residential special education facility run by the Department of Education for students ages 3 through 22 years old with orthopedic and multiple disabilities.
Magellan – Contractor that manages the Louisiana Behavioral Health Partnership.
Managed Long-Term Services and Supports (MLTSS) – A mechanism where providers of long-term services and supports such as waivers and institutional care are paid a set fee for each Medicaid recipient they serve, regardless of the number or type of services the individual requires.
Medicaid – A health care program for low-income individuals and families.
Medicaid Expansion (ME) – An expansion of the minimum Medicaid income eligibility level for the poorest individuals under the Affordable Care Act
Money follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration – A federal grant program that helps states transition individuals with disabilities out of institutions and back into the community.
Motion to Reconsider – A motion which, if successful, returns the question to its status before adoption of the motion to reconsider.
My Place Louisiana – Louisiana’s Money Follows the Person Rebalancing Demonstration designed to help people to move, also called a “transition,” from an institution into home and community-based living settings, such as a house or apartment.
New Opportunities Waiver (NOW) – A Medicaid service available to individuals age 3 and older who otherwise would require the level of care of an Intermediate Care Facility for People with Developmental Disabilities (ICF/DD) that allow them to remain in their communities.
Office of Adults and Aging Services (OAAS) – A state agency within the Department of Health which oversees long-term care services for senior citizens and people with adult-onset disabilities.
Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities (OCDD) – A state agency within the Department of Health which oversees institutional and home and community based services for people with developmental disabilities.
Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) – A state agency within the Department of Health that manages and delivers the services and supports necessary to improve the quality of life for citizens with mental illness and addictive disorders.
Office of Public Health (OPH) – A state agency within the Department of Health which protects and promotes the health the Louisiana residents by assuring preventive services to uninsured and underserved individuals and families, preventing disease, enforcing regulations that protect the environment, and sharing vital information.
Olmstead – Formally known as Olmstead v. L.C. A Supreme Court case that requires states to eliminate unnecessary segregation of persons with disabilities and to ensure that persons with disabilities receive services in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs.
Original Bill – The bill as introduced into the legislature that is used in the legislative process until engrossed.
People First Language – The practice of using language that avoids dehumanizing people with disabilities. For example, one would say “child with a disability” rather than “disabled child.”
People First of Louisiana (PFL) – A self-advocacy organization run by people with disabilities.
Plan of Care (POC) – A plan that outlines the supports and services to be provide to an individual.
Protection and Advocacy Agency (P&A) – An organization authorized by the federal government to protect the legal and human rights of individuals with developmental disabilities.Public Testimony – Also known as Public Hearing. A public statement made orally by an individual under oath at a public meeting.
Reconsideration – Permitting a vote to be considered and taken a second time. The initial vote on any question may be reconsidered whether the question carried in the affirmative or negative, but the motion to reconsider must be made by a member who voted on the side that prevailed.
Reengrossed Bill – Refers to a bill to which additional amendments – usually floor amendments – have been added, after its engrossment. Usually these are floor amendments adopted when the bill is considered on third reading and final passage in the house of origin
Regional Advisory Committee (RAC) – A committee of stakeholders established by law to ensure public input in an advisory capacity in the development and implementation of policies, procedures and the allocation of resource for developmental disability services for the human services districts and authorities.
Regular Session – In odd-numbered years a regular session is restricted to not more than 45 legislative days within a period of 60 calendar days; in even-numbered years, it is restricted to not more than 60 legislative days within 85 days. The subject matter of regular sessions in odd-numbered years is limited to specified fiscal matters, with certain exceptions.
Request for Services Registry – Also known as the Waiting List. The registration mechanism for individuals requesting waiver services.
Residential Options Waiver (ROW) – A Medicaid service that offers people of all ages services designed to support them to move from Intermediate Care Facilities for People with Developmental Disabilities and nursing facilities to community-based settings, and to serve as an alternative to institutionalization.
Resolution – A legislative instrument that generally is used for making declarations, stating policies, and making decisions where some other form is not required. A bill includes the constitutionally required enacting clause; a resolution uses the term “resolved”. Not subject to a time limit for introduction nor to governor’s veto.
Resource Allocation Model – A needs assessment of individuals receiving the New Opportunities Waiver (NOW) using the Supports Intensity Scale (SIS), essentially capping services on an individual basis with the capacity for individuals with exceptional needs to appeal for additional services. This changed the waiver from providing ”what you want” to “what you need,” thereby lowering the overall cost of the NOW.
Restraint – Bodily force used to limit a person’s movement.
Seclusion – A procedure that isolates and confines a student in a separate room or area until he or she is no longer an immediate danger to self or others.
Self-Determination – Giving individuals with developmental disabilities a choice in determining the services they receive.
Session – The period during which the legislature assembles and carries on its business. The legislature meets annually in regular session.
Sheltered Workshop – A work setting in which employees with disabilities do contract work, usually on a piece-rate basis, such as preparing bulk mailings or refinishing furniture.
Simple Resolution – Resolution passed by only one house that expresses an opinion or intent, but does not have the force of law. It may also be used to change the rules of a house. It takes effect upon adoption.
Single Point of Entry (SPOE) – Refers to a single agency where individuals enter a service system.
Special Order – The order of business in which bills or resolutions to be considered at a specifically fixed time rather than their regular order are placed. Used for controversial or time-consuming bills. A bill is placed on special order by the favorable vote of a majority of those present and voting, provided the standing committee which reported the bill recommends such placement.
Special Session – See Extraordinary Session.
State Advisory Committee (SAC) – A committee of stakeholders established by law to ensure public input in an advisory capacity in the development and implementation of policies, procedures and the allocation of resource to the central Office for Citizens with Developmental Disabilities.
Study Request – A legislative instrument which requests a standing committee or committees to conduct a study of an issue or item during the interim between legislative sessions. A study request does not go through the traditional approval process of other legislative instruments, but rather is adopted if, after a specific period of time, there is no objection made to the proposed study request. Also see Concurrent Resolution and Simple Resolution.
Substitute Bill – A new bill included in a committee report to be substituted for the bill referred to and reported by the committee. Such bills are given a number and processed in the same manner as an original bill except that no further committee report is necessary in the house of introduction. House bills in the Senate may not be reported “by substitute,” nor may Senate bills in the House be so reported.
Supplemental Appropriations Bill – Provides for unanticipated expenses in the current fiscal year along with other special appropriations.
Supported Independent Living (SIL) – Persons with developmental disabilities living where and with whom they want, with the ongoing support needed to live on their own in the community.
Supports and Services Center – A publicly-run residential facility in Louisiana for people with developmental disabilities.
Supports Waiver – A Medicaid service that offers focused individualized vocational services to people age 18 and older who otherwise would require the level of care of an Intermediate Care Facility for People with Developmental Disabilities (ICFs/DD).
Systems Advocacy – Taking action in support or opposition of a cause or issue to change laws and policies that affect large groups of people.
Systems Change – A process that shifts the way that an organization makes decisions about policies, programs, and the allocation of its resources as well as the way it delivers services and supports to the public.
Tabled – A bill is tabled (and usually dead) upon adoption of a motion by majority vote to “lay on the table.” As a parliamentary maneuver, it is an alternate way to kill a bill. It takes a 2/3 vote of those present to call a bill from the table. In the Senate, a motion once laid on the table shall not again be called from the table.
University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Education, Research and Services (UCED) – Centers authorized by the federal government to perform interdisciplinary training, community service, research/evaluation/policy analysis, and dissemination.
Veto – Governor’s disapproval of an enrolled bill. Has the effect of killing the bill unless the legislature subsequently votes to override the governor’s action by a 2/3 vote of each house. (Also see Veto session.)
Veto Session – Session required by the constitution to be held on the 40th day following final adjournment of the most recent session to consider all bills vetoed by the governor. Not held if a majority of either house declare it unnecessary in writing.
Vocational Rehabilitation (VR)– Rehabilitation services beyond traditional job training programs including job counseling, medical and therapeutic services, and assessment for and provision of assistive technology.
Voluntarily Deferred – See Deferred.
Waiting List – See Request for Services Registry.
Waiver – A Medicaid service that allows individuals with disabilities to receive long term care services in home and community based settings rather than in an institution.