Who We Are
The Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council is made up of twenty-eight people from across the state who are appointed by the Governor to develop and implement a five year plan to address needed changes in the service delivery system for persons with developmental disabilities. Membership includes persons with developmental disabilities, parents, advocates and representatives from public and private agencies. Several members rotate off the Council each year and applications for new members are always welcomed.
The Council has a professional staff who assist Council members in meeting the goals and objectives in the five-year plan.
Developmental Disabilities Councils were founded in 1970 as a result of the passage of the federal Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act. The Louisiana Council was established in 1971. Councils were created to engage in advocacy, capacity building and systems change activities and contribute to a coordinated, consumer- and family-centered, and consumer- and family-directed comprehensive system of community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that enable individuals with developmental disabilities to exercise self-determination, be independent, productive, and integrated and included in all facets of community life.
The Council’s mission is to increase independence, self-determination, productivity, integration, and inclusion for Louisianans with developmental disabilities by engaging in advocacy, capacity building, and systems change.
What We Do
The Council engages in advocacy, systems change, and capacity building activities that contribute to a coordinated, individual and family-centered, individual and family-directed comprehensive system of community services, individualized supports, and other forms of assistance that enable individuals with developmental disabilities to exercise self-determination, be independent, be productive, and be integrated and included in all facets of community life.
To build capacity and effect systems change, Councils are charged with carrying out specific activities in the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act:
The Council has four committees to address the objectives in the Council’s Five Year Plan and functions of the Council.
- Executive Committee – takes immediate action when necessary, makes policy and other recommendations to the full Council, and evaluates the performance of the Executive Director.
- Self Determination/Community Inclusion Committee – monitors plan activities that fall under the areas of Community Supports and Advocacy and Leadership Development.
- Education/Employment Committee – monitors plan activities that fall under the areas of Education and Early Intervention, Employment, and Child Care.
- Act 378 Sub-Committee – oversees implementation of the Community and Family Support System.
- Ad Hoc Committees are appointed on an as-needed basis.