The Council develops policy position statements and papers in our areas of emphasis and regarding current issues being considered by policymakers. These positions are based on the Council’s core values of independence, self-determination, productivity, integration, and inclusion of all Louisiana citizens with developmental disabilities.
The following position statements and papers are available to print and use in advocating for improved services and supports for people with developmental disabilities and their families.
The Council supports the full inclusion of people with disabilities, regardless of the severity of their disability, in all facets of community life – where they live, learn, work, and play – so they are free to experience life and pursue happiness and meaningful relationships.
Inclusion of People with Disabilities
Updated January, 2020
Education and Early Intervention
The Council believes that people with developmental disabilities should be supported in reaching their full developmental and educational potential. All infants and young children with developmental disabilities should have access to early intervention services and supports. All students should have access to appropriate and inclusive education.
Inclusive Education
Updated January, 2020
The Council believes that people with developmental disabilities deserve the opportunity to contribute in their communities. They should have the opportunity and support needed to gain and maintain integrated, competitive employment that is consistent with their interests, abilities, and needs.
Employment of People with Developmental Disabilities
Updated January, 2020
The Council believes the service system, family, and friends should support the right of individuals with developmental disabilities to make decisions about their lives and support them in those decisions. The Council supports the rights of all people, including those with the most severe challenges, to live in their own homes and to learn, work, and play in their own communities.
Self-determination of People with Developmental Disabilities
Updated January, 2020
Community Supports
The Council believes that people with developmental disabilities should have the supports and services needed to live and to thrive in their own homes and communities.
Community Support for People with Developmental Disabilities
Updated January, 2020
The Council believes that people with developmental disabilities have the right to live healthy lives and to benefit from the full range of needed health services.
Health Care for People with Developmental Disabilities
Updated January, 2020
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
As an anti-racist and ethnically unbiased community (entity), the Louisiana Developmental Disabilities Council affirms its commitment to recognizing, addressing and denouncing all forms of racism and oppression. We believe in the diversity of individual life experiences and employ inclusive practices regardless of race, ethnicity, disability, culture, age, gender and sexual orientation. We continue to aim to appreciate individuality and promote awareness to disrupt systems of privilege, inequality, and oppression.
Child Care
The Council believes that children with developmental disabilities and their families benefit from a range of inclusive, flexible childcare options.
The Council believes that all people benefit from inclusive recreational, leisure, and social activities consistent with their interests and abilities.
The Council believes that people with developmental disabilities should have access to a full range of transportation options to get to work and school and to meet their personal and medical needs.
The Council believes that people with developmental disabilities have the right to accessible, affordable, and safe housing. Adults should have the right to choose with whom and where in the community they live.
Quality Assurance
The Council believes that all people with developmental disabilities should receive quality services to support a high quality of life. People with developmental disabilities and their families should be provided with the information and skills to support a life that is free of abuse, neglect, financial and sexual exploitation, and violations of their human and legal rights.